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Organic or Autonomy Act of 1929


The Act of 1929 did not signify a mere policy shift with regard to the university, though it ultimately addressed many of the university community’s interests and longings. On the contrary, it was driven by enthusiasms of student for diverse causes and informed by a history of advocacy among the faculty and students, and in some cases by administrators, in favor of the university’s autonomy.

The Organic Act of the National Autonomous University of Mexico, drafted by President Emilio Portes Gil, was passed July 22, 1929.

In addition to providing higher education and organize scientific research, the 1929 Act charges the University with the duty of offering university extension programs to serve the people who are unable to attend schools of higher education. Additionally, it modifies the institution’s governance, establishing a form of shared responsibilities and powers among the University Board of Regents-- as the highest authority-- Rector, Deans of the faculties, schools and research institutes, professors and student representatives of the Academies.

The Organic Act of 1929 was advocated ostensibly to secure the university’s autonomy; however, it did not achieve this goal because of the following issues:

a) Though the Board of Regents was empowered to appoint the University Rector, candidates for the post were limited to a “short list” complied by the President of the Republic. This situation effectively kept university governance in the hands of the State.

b) Under the terms of the Act, University employees became federal employees.

c) Additionally, the University was required to submit annual activities reports to the President, Congress of the Union and the Secretariat of Public Education.

d) The Secretariat of Public Education held a non-voting seat in the University Assembly for the purpose of reporting.

e) The President held veto power over resolution issued by the University Congress, and

f) The University budget and expenditures were subject to audit by the Comptroller of the Federation.


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