Identity Print

The University’s identity can be found in a series of cultural signifiers, some solemn and earnest, such as the Official Hymn and the University Crest, and others hearty and energetic, such the Pumas Soccer Club and the joy of exclaiming “Goya! Goya!” when a goal is scored. These symbols exalt our sense of belonging to a project whose essence is knowledge and whose name is UNAM.

Each and every one of us contributes to the UNAM’s identity. In the words of Rector Jose Narro, our University “is renewed, attends to and creates its present and future through transcendental projects that forge the destiny of a nation.”


  • Guillermo Bonfil Batalla (coord.), Nuevas identidades culturales en México, México, Pensar la Cultura, 1993, pp. 23, 24.

  • Salvador Novo, Nueva Grandeza Mexicana. Ensayo sobre la ciudad de México y sus alrededores en 1946, México, CNCA, 1992.

  • Cultura Nacional, Reunión Popular para la Planeación, Tijuana, B.C., 1981.

  • Enrique Florescano (coord.), El Patrimonio Nacional de México, México, CNCA-FCE, 1997.